99 Bottles of Beer (SPARC Assembly Edition)

Posted on May 22, 2006. Tagged as: ,

This is the "99 bottles of beer" program coded in SPARC assembly language. The program tries to demonstrate some special features of the SPARC processor like delay slots, anulled delay slots and system calls.

The below code has been submitted to http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net and can be found on this page. You can also download the code here.

 * 99 Bottles of Beer in SPARC assembly language for Sun Solaris
 * Compile with: as -o bottles.o bottles.s; ld -o bottles bottles.o
        .section ".rodata"
        .align 4
.botl0: .asciz "no more bottles"
.botl1: .asciz " bottle"
.botl2: .asciz " bottles"
.strg1: .asciz " of beer on the wall, "
.strg2: .asciz " of beer.\n"
.strg3: .asciz "Take one down and pass it around, "
.strg4: .asciz " of beer on the wall.\n\n"
.strg5: .ascii "Go to the store and buy some more,"
        .asciz " 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
        .section ".text"
        .globl main
main:   save    %sp, -96, %sp
        mov     99, %l0                 ! put the bottles onto the wall
loop:   call    putbtl
        mov     %l0, %o0                ! delay slot
        sethi   %hi(.strg1), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.strg1), %o0
        call    putbtl
        mov     %l0, %o0
        sethi   %hi(.strg2), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.strg2), %o0
        cmp     %l0, 0
        be      oob                     ! out of beer
        dec     %l0                     ! n - 1
        sethi   %hi(.strg3), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.strg3), %o0
        call    putbtl
        mov     %l0, %o0
        sethi   %hi(.strg4), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.strg4), %o0
        ba      loop
oob:    sethi   %hi(.strg5), %o0        ! no beer anymore
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.strg5), %o0
        call    exit
        mov     0, %o0                  ! exit code
 * print "n bottle(s)"/"no bottles" string, number in o0
putbtl: save    %sp, -96, %sp
        cmp     %i0, 1
        ble     1f
        call    putn                    ! > 1 bottle
        mov     %i0, %o0
        sethi   %hi(.botl2), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.botl2), %o0
1:      cmp     %i0, 0
        be      1f
        call    putn                    ! = 1 bottle
        mov     %i0, %o0
        sethi   %hi(.botl1), %o0
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.botl1), %o0
1:      sethi   %hi(.botl0), %o0        ! no bottles
        call    puts
        or      %o0, %lo(.botl0), %o0
 * print number in o0 to stdout
putn:   save    %sp, -(96 + 8), %sp     ! we need some stack space here
        udiv    %i0, 10, %o0            ! o0 = i0 / 10
        umul    %o0, 10, %o2            ! o2 = o0 * 10
        sub     %i0, %o2, %o2           ! o2 = i0 - o2 => remainder
        cmp     %o0, 0                  ! if quotient is not 0, we call
        bz      1f                      ! putn recursively with
        nop                             ! quotient as parameter.
        call    putn
1:      add     %o2, 0x30, %o2          ! convert remainder to ascii
        stb     %o2, [%sp + 96]         ! store remainder to stack
        add     %sp, 96, %o1            ! put stack address into o1
        mov     STDOUT, %o0
        call    write                   ! print remainder to stdout
        mov     1, %o2                  ! one character only
 * print zero terminated string, o0: string pointer
puts:   save    %sp, -96, %sp
        mov     %i0, %o0
1:      ldub    [%o0], %o1              ! load next byte from buffer
        cmp     0, %o1
        bne,a   1b                      ! ,a: inc instruction is only
        inc     %o0                     ! executed if branch is taken
        sub     %o0, %i0, %o2           ! strlen is in o2 now
        mov     %i0, %o1
        call    write
        mov     STDOUT, %o0
 * write syscall, o0: fd, o1: string pointer, o2: length
write:  mov     SYSCALL_WRITE, %g1      ! syscall number passed in g1
        ta      8
 * exit syscall, exit code in o0
exit:   mov     SYSCALL_EXIT, %g1
        ta      8